The Directorate of Training and Leader Development
The Directorate of Training produces professional religious support leaders capable of serving a diverse force in any environment under any conditions. There are three divisions within the Directorate: Initial Military Training (IMT), Professional Military Education (PME), and Training Development Division (TDD). The TDD includes the Task Analysts and Subject Matter Experts (SME's). Additionally, the Directorate houses the Religious Support Simulation Center, providing mission command system, gaming, and simulation training. The Training Directorate serves as the Chaplain Corps' institutional training and educational home and supports the Operational Training Domain within our branch. This portal serves our Branch as a point which personnel throughout the Chaplain Corps may access for support in building their own training plans and programs.
How to Develop Training
Build your own training that will suit your specific needs. This Training Guide (pdf) and the information contained in this portal will help you develop relevant and effective training for Chaplains and Religious Affairs Specialists.
Army Training Network
Accessing the Army Training Network (ATN) is easy; it can be accessed with or without a Common Access Card (CAC). Accessing the ATN without a CAC allows the user to view contents of the ATN on personal computers, mobile devices and tablets. To access ATN without a CAC, simply go the ATN homepage and click on the blue "More DS Logon Options" button and follow the instructions to setup your username and password.