Chaplain Corps Journals Chaplain Corps Journals


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Scholarly Writing Scholarly Writing

Scholarly articles in the Journal are double-blind peer-reviewed and cover critically important topics from theoretical and practical perspectives. 


Research Articles

“Representing the Moral Warrior: The Just War
Tradition, Military Chaplains, and Moral Leadership”
by Dr. Daniel Bell

“Legal Religion: Judicial Discourse and the Historical
Underpinnings of the First Amendment”
by Chaplain (Major) Patrick Stefan

“Force Management and Organizational Capability
in Joint Base Religious Support”
by Master Sergeant Eric Tysinger

Best Practices
“Chaplain Pursuit of ‘Buffered Selves:’
Shepherding the Tough in Spirit”
by Chaplain (Major) Luke Heibel

“Sacred Speech in Future Armed Conflict”
by Chaplain (Major) Brandon Denning and
Chaplain (Major) Daniel Werhol

“Leading in Gaps: Intentional Leadership During
Times of Military Assignment Transitions”
by Chaplain (Major) Peter Robinson and
Chaplain (Captain) Marcus Marroquin

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