Chaplain Professional Reinforcement Training Chaplain Professional Reinforcement Training

About CPRT About CPRT

CPRT is being revised and rebranded as the Chaplain Professional Integration Course (CPIC).  This page will be updated/revised and additional information will be staffed through technical channels once approved. 

CPRT is a program that facilitates the transition of new Chaplains into the Army and to prepare them for successful careers as Chaplains in all components. 

It provides the Chaplain supervisor with a flexible and adaptable framework comprised of diverse elements within which to mentor, coach and teach recently accessioned Chaplains to perform their current tasks and to succeed within the Army. CPRT is not designed to be a one-size fits all approach to readiness and success. It relies on analysis and collaboration between the participant and supervisor to develop a plan that will facilitate the following: 


  1. Continue and adapt the training started in Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course 
  2. Prepare the new Chaplain for service in his or her specific unit of assignment 
  3. Prepare the participant for Chaplain Captain Career Course and beyond 
  4. Encourage professional self-development as a route to success as an Army Chaplain 


For the supervisor, the first task is to assess the new Chaplain and develop an individualized CPRT training plan that will meet the needs of both the individual and the Chaplaincy.


Additional CPRT Documents


Communication Coaching Form (pdf)

Sample IDP Form (pdf)




If you have questions concerning CPRT, please contact the USACHCS CPRT POC by email.


Family Life Chaplain Introduction Course


If you have questions concerning the Family Life Chaplain Introduction Course, please contact us by email.


Funding and travel are funded by the local command.

Family Life Chaplain Introduction Course Application (pdf)

Family Life Chaplain Introduction Course FY19 MOI (pdf)

CPRT Certificate of Completion Template (pub)*

*Once training is compete the supervisory chaplain can issue a Certificate of Completion. The example has two signature blocks, one for the supervisory chaplain and the other for the supervisor’s supervisory chaplain.  The file type is a PUB and you will need MS Publusher to edit the file.



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