Operational Religious Support Leader Course Operational Religious Support Leader Course

Mission Mission

Build on an existing base of knowledge and experience in order to prepare Chaplains in the rank of Major to serve in any junior field grade religious support operations position. This is an ILE completion course.

The course focuses on key leadership, supervisory, and technical skills and competencies required for field grade Chaplains. The course topics include Pastoral Identity and Care for Field Grade Chaplains, Religious Support in JIIM Environment, Developing and Analyzing Training, Army Force Management, Homiletics Supervision, Leading Garrison Ministry, Resource Management for Field Grade Chaplains, and Homeland Operations. The Decisive Action Training Environment (Date 2.2) and GAAT scenario are utilized throughout this course.

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Email for enrollment requests 

Once you are enrolled in ATTRS, the Course Manager will make contact with you.


Questions?  Send the ORSLC Course Manager an email.



Module 1.  Maintaining and Fostering Chaplain Identity


Sustaining Souls (doc) 

Analyze Chaplain Identity (ppt)

Chaplain Identity and Pastoral Care (ppt) 

Strategic Ethics (ppt) 

Sacred Communications Supervision (ppt) 

Doctrine Update (ppt)

Develop and Analyze Training (ppt) 


Useful Links

USACHCS Family Life Portal

USACHCS Ethics Portal

USACHCS Homiletics Portal


Module 2.  Force Management


Manage Material and Fiscal Responsibilities (ppt) 

CRM Smartbook (pdf) 


Useful Links    

USACHCS CRM Portal    

Army Force Management School 

Force Development Systems - (Requires CAC) FMS Web


Module 3.  Religious Support Operations in a Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) Environment


Design Religious Support Estimates

Planning for Religous Support Operations in a Unified Action Environment 

Indigenous Religions and External Advisement (ppt) 

External Advisement for Command (RAA/RIA) (ppt) 

Homeland Defense (HD) and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DCSA) (ppt)  

ADP 3-28 (pdf), Defense Support of Civil Authorities


Useful Links

USACHCS World Religions Portal

US Army North DSCA DL Training on JKO

Army Publishing Directorate